

A series of activities were implemented in Greece within the framework of the Fairy Tales Project, aimed at introducing the topic of gender equality into the education of children aged 5-7 years, with the active involvement of their parents and teachers. These project activities were carried out in close cooperation with the directors and teachers at 20th Kindergarten, 33rd Kindergarten, Kindergarten of Prodromos and 8th Primary School in Karditsa. Their partnership on the project were indispensable to identifying the best solutions, pedagogical approaches and methodological adaptations to introducing the topic of gender equality in early childhood through the use of classic children's stories.

It might be a good idea to start presenting the national experience of Greece, with an outline of the important laws, policies and regulations promoting gender equality as well as its introduction in early childhood education. They formed the basis for project activities aiming to contribute to questioning gender stereotypes for women and men and encouraging children to build safe and healthy relationships based on mutual respect and esteem.

Further, we will present the national perspective to the implementation of these activities and the experimental part of the project, with a focus on adapting to the pedagogical framework in the process of education in kindergartens and the local cultural characteristics. The summaries and conclusions will provide guidelines for sustainability and lasting presence of gender equality topics in the education of children aged 5-7 years.

Policies, promoting gender equality

Policies, promoting gender equality

In Greece, the principle of equal treatment and gender equality is established by the 1975 Constitution. In particular, Article…

Training modules: the national experience

Training modules: the national experience

In Greece, in 1979, the procedures for the institutionalization of mixed education began, which, however, was finalized in…

Methodology and module adapting

Methodology and module adapting

The first contact with the stereotypes of classic fairy tales took place in early 2019, after the fairy tales had been selected.…

Working with children – experience and lessons learned

Working with children – experience and lessons learned

Children through their family, the dominant body of socialization, acquire their gender identity through the imitation of…

Key conclusions and considerations

Key conclusions and considerations

The Kindergarten is the first official educational institution for children. The children arrive at the Kindergarten having…

This project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union (2014-2020)